The Power of Play


20 +
25000 +

Past Projects


Telangana, Hyderabad, India

Date, Location: 2017/02/08 (17.535042, 78.394695)


Name: Tractor

For who and how many children: Built in a low-income school for students and kids in the area. 500 kids

Partners: Playground Ideas + Anthill Creation

Estimated Cost to Construct: $7220

Playground Description: 10 elements for ages 4 to 14

Built out by a team including: 2 rep from PI, 5 hired staff, 1 volunteer.

Determining Factors in Selection Process (Why it was selected): Built in a low-income school where there was no playground in the area. Providing learning through free play along with academic learning. Also to motivate the children to attend school.

Materials Used: Used tires, metal, lumber, concrete, fasteners, paint

Summary: In collaboration with Playground Ideas and Anthill Creations, TPOP built a playground at a low-income school in Telangana, India for 500 students and kids in the area. It is composed of 10 play elements designed for children ages 4-14. It was built to provide the students and local children a safe space to play and as a way to motivate them to attend school.

More project descriptions coming soon!